Monday, October 4, 2010

This just in.....

Apparently mindless work can be very satisfying...nay, even exhilarating!

This little snap of what looks like a colorful wreath is actually the results of our 'sister' Barb Adams sleepless Sunday night. Yep, tissue holders. Go figure.

It all started on Friday when Yvette Howard brought to the meeting a sample of some tissue holders she had made for her church's annual Fall Festival Fundraiser. I have lost count of the emails I've received since then on the rapturous moments generated by creating these little colorful containers. Barb Adams and Debbie Bento have tweaked the pattern (the subtleties of a right sided feels just a wee bit "twilight zone" to me).

One of the beneficiaries of Barb's sleepless, yet productive night, will be a friend's kindergarten class. As cold and flu season approaches her class of 26 potentially runny noses will be properly dabbed. And, what child wouldn't want to have their very own bit of colorful fabric in his/her pocket? A bit like having your blankey with you at all times...but camouflaged so that it's a useful, acceptable, 'big kid' tissue holder.