Barb Adams, following Parfait Dyer Impresario Carol Ludington's guidance, is layering her ice cubes with dye. Yvette Howard works in the background.
L-R Linda Zimmerman borrows dye from Impresario Carol whilst Gail Kotowski gets a call from the office and Marie Shepherd looks on.
The layering: squished (that's a technical term) or scrunched (another) or folded fabric that has been soda ash soaked is topped with ice cubes. Then scant amounts of dry dye is sprinkled over the top. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat until the container is filled.
Notice how neat Yvette's table, layers and dyes are...we expect nothing less :^)
You may not be able to guess whose work station this is....MINE!....that was a surprise, right?
Next week we will reveal the results....